
This page gives you access to a selection of our published reports from 2016 to the present day. Please contact us if you are looking for an earlier report.

Evaluation of the Primary Care Service for Mental Health (PRISM) - Stage One

Published: 2019
Client: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust

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Teacher Supply

Published: 2019
Client: Department for Education

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Skills for the Future 2018-2030

Published: 2018
Client: Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership

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Analysis of responses to the call for evidence on returning to work after time out for caring

Published: 2018
Client: Department for Education

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Evaluation of Make the Grade

Published: 2018
Client: Ahead Partnership

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Level 4 and 5 provision in England: provider perspectives

Published: 2018
Client: The Gatsby Charitable Foundation

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Feedback from our clients

  • "It’s a great report, and I’ve submitted it to the Ofsted inspection team." – Strategic Commissioner, local authority

  • “Thanks for such a thoughtful report. It will be very useful to us and other organisations. Another great job from York Consulting!” Local Authority Director

  • “Thank you for this very helpful evaluation. I have only received positive feedback on it. It has been great working with you.” Local Authority Head of Service

  • “Your report was extremely thorough, and I appreciate how responsive you were to our additional requests for analysis.” Government department

  • “The team at York Consulting were professional and a delight to work with. I am very grateful for their input.” Government department

  • "Well done – a lot of work in a short space of time and at such high quality.” Sector Skills Council

  • "Your workshop was extremely well received and enabled managers to gain detailed insight, drawing on your expertise and knowledge.” Senior manager, not-for-profit organisation

  • "It [YCL’s final report] is one of the most impressive evaluation reports I’ve had the pleasure to read.” Principal, Further Education College

  • “YCL staff understand our organisation…I have developed a great relationship with them and I hope to work with them again.” Housing Association

  • “I’ve enjoyed working with you on this project. Thanks for your co-operation and flexibility.” Government department